Opera y su lucha por los estándares

Primer acto
Microsoft dice que va a seguir haciendo las cosas como le de la gana con su navegador de Internet, y que son los diseñadores los que se deben adaptar

Segundo acto
Opera toma la iniciativa y demanda a Microsoft para que cumpla los estándares internacionales y no los suyos

Algunas reacciones:

Opera is one of my favorite browsers. In fact, I’m using it right now. But this lawsuit is ridiculous. It just looks like a publicity stunt. Fuente

Really? What for? Microsoft’s browser doesn’t follow accepted web standards, I use Opera, which adheres to web standards and still there are sites that wont work well. Perhaps opera should sue those web designers/developers also.

Hate to see this,and dissapointed with opera:(

As for request # 2 : follow *standards*. European Commision has no jurisdiction to decide World Wide Web standards. So that request will be cicked out of *court* at arrival.

Fuente: OperaWatch

Tercer acto
Microsoft da un pie atras y decide que SI va a respetar los estándares internacionales. La gente celebra en masa.

Los gurues que antes decían

It’s the wrong move at the wrong time, sending precisely the wrong signal to Microsoft about the importance of participating in development and support of open standards, and I can only hope that it comes to a quiet and unheralded end.

ahora dicen

…I was wrong. I’m still no fan of the tone that was used in announcing the move, but that’s window dressing. Results matter most.

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